Mortgage Note Buyers

Mortgage Note Buyers, Who are they and How can they help You? To understand what a Note Buyer does you need to understand “Owner Financing” also called “Seller Financing” What is Owner Financing and Why it is Crucial to Understanding the Role of a Note Buyer? Owner financing is an important aspect of the note […]

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5 Resources to Educate Yourself on Real Estate Note Investing

5 Resources to Educate Yourself on Real Estate Note InvestingContents1 5 Resources to Educate Yourself on Real Estate Note Investing1.1 5 Sources of Note Education1.1.1 1. Books1.1.2 2. Blogs1.1.3 3. Podcasts and Webinars1.1.4 4. Mentors and Events1.1.5 5. Taking Action As with any new venture or form of investing, it’s important to gain knowledge of

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